Sunday, November 13, 2011

Could I have had TSS?

For the past week I've had a sore throat and a stuffy nose, but I never went to the doctor for it. 5 days ago I got my period and ever since I get head aches, my sense of smell is really bad (like everything smells disgusting even if I love it), I get stomach pains easily, I now have diarrhea (sorry tmi) , when ever I walk up stairs on down a hall my breathing gets heavy so I'm panting. Then when I'm sitting down my eyes get droopy and I feel shaky and dizzy. SO it feels like I could fall forward at any second. I don't know whats wrong. Also I sometimes get light headed. My forehead fells normal, also my whole body gets freezing cold then really warm and my breathing is very loud and shaky. <------This all happened in the past 5 days. Right now I just have a small head ache, now stomach pains, no sore throat. Just a runny nose, and a small head ache. My does hurt a bit, but for the past few days sicne I've been on my period I've been using atleast 3 tampons a day. So the shortest amount of time I had a tampon in this week was 2 hours and the longest was 6. I only had two tampons in for 6 hours. Once yesterday and once today. I'm using pads right now and I plan on using either a lite tampon on pad tomorrow. Do you think I was just sick or was I so scared of getting TSS that I was thinking about the symptoms I thought I had them. Please help!

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