Sunday, November 13, 2011


what is life? people may ask. people see life as a fluke " its a total fluke that we are here today" as my older brother said. many conceive life as scientific. how we were born how we were made alll science nothing more to life but science. some people are comfortable knowing the fact that the only reason they are alive today is because of a fluke that the big bang is responsible for everything and that god does not exsist because science proves everything that people back in jesus's time were stupid and thought that everything they saw was created by god therefor we think the same thing. well then i must say in a way i agree and in a way i disagree. while your reading this i want you to look down at your arms and your legs and look in a mirror and really look in a mirror glance at yourself like uve never before do you think that all of your features your life your eyes your feet your body parts especially your big brain capable of thnking amazing things is all here cuz of a fluke? people this is your life is you concider atheism to be tru then u mise wel kill yourslves right now because you are rejecting god and welcoming eternal death. each individual on this planet young and old eventually dies but the biggest problem on the face of the earth is death. what is it? is it simply your brain shutting down for eterurnity ? or is it something bigger a page to a better place. yes ladies and gentlemen. while your on this earth be thankful for each and everyday wheather there is a god or not be thankkful you are alive. because i try to be the best person i can each and every day because i know if there is a god he would be happy with me and welcome me so please take my words into consideration because i have been struck with this fear for over a year now day and night pondering what i will be doing for eturnity take these words into concideration. your time on earth is limited live out each day to the best of your ability- marcus critelli age 14.

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