Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hand of fate or the devil's claws?

ooh that was intense (dude). Dont freak out it'll be an hallucination. I've never taken drugs, but my prescription beta blockers occasionally cause me to have hallucinations, some of which are recurring. I've seen creatues all over my bedroom, flower garlands around my door (internal door before you ask), the strongest scariest one was another doorway i my room (where there is not ordinarily a door) with a figure standing in it. While these are going on, i feel i am awake, but realise they only happen when i am more relaxed or about to drop off to sleep. Maybe you were starting to relax a little? The brain is an amazing thing, it can create all sorts of scenarios and we completely fall for it! I'm glad it gave you a little nudge about taking drugs though. Maybe your body was trying to send you a warning. Don't knacker your brain with mind bending drugs everyone has a cracking imagination and capacity for invention without having to rely on chemicals.

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