Monday, November 7, 2011

I posted this ? earlier but the system keeps messing up please HELP! ?

I have been going to this doctor for a year now for pain in by back and in my chest only on the right side they have put me on muscle relaxers and for some reason they dont touch the pain so i keep going back explaining the pain and all she wants to do is have a couple x rays done and the only thing that comes up is chronic brochitis and thats it she goes on her merry way and the next time i go in it's the same thing over and over. but this last week i was giving my daughters a bath i leaned over the tub and my ear started killing me so ya simple i thought i had an ear infection and my side and the right side of my started really really hurting so i went to ER on sunday yesterday and they did a full exam and nothing they checked my ear and said hmmmm thats weird no infection i was so upset i keep being told that there isn't anything wrong!!!!!! he said that it was probably nerve related then i told him that i have had a lot of tingling and numbness in my face and chest and now my lips so go in see the doctor and tell them you want to see a specialist but i just dont get it how your well my nerves could be messed up only on that side i dont play sports or anything i havent fallen or nothing like that i had surgery 2 years ago on my wrist they put the disolving stitches in they said! but the stitches started coming out of my skin ya sounds gross and painful and YES it was. i had a c-section in 05 but other than that well...... thats it so if you know of or heard of something like this please help im scared and irratated any help would be nice

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