Tuesday, November 15, 2011

When did u get you BFP???????

Like was it after your expected period, etc.. also did it change from neg to pos in a few days??? Thanks( I am asking bc i expect AF tomorrow but keep getting neg hpt's).

What effect(s) do you think 9/11 had on today's youth?

I know... it's kind of early to make any sort of judgments. But, I'm curious to know, seeing that, as I was born in 1990, I am a member of this generation. I've heard it said that we're more cynical, critical, and distrusting than previous generations. That we have a tough time trusting whatever we hear from the m media. I've also heard it said that we are a nihilistic generation and believe in moral relativity more than our parents or grandparents did.

Why is liquid a poor conductor to heat energy?

Liquid is a great conductor to heat energy, that's why there is liquid cooling your automobile engine. Air doesn't cool nearly as efficiently.

What is a Koala baby called?

I know they are not bears, but are marsupials. Shep Smith on Fox just called them "joeys" and I wondered if they were called the same as Kangaroos?

What do you think of this dress?

a href="http://www.lightinthebox.com/Mandy-Moore-License-to-Wed-Ball-Gown-Sweep--Brush-Train-Tulle-Over-Satin-Tiered-Wedding-Dress--WSM0364-_p163827.html?pos=ultimately_buy_2" rel="nofollow"http://www.lightinthebox.com/Mandy-Moore…/a

Why does the whole world think Americans are dumb and fat?

Because we are fat and dumb. I seriously think we're the fattest country in the world, I've heard that from many places. But that doesn't mean that everyone in the U.S. is fat/dumb, just the majority.

Can you repress feelings for someone that come to surface later?

well if you stayed friends then its easy to suppress your feelings becoz you havent "lost" him you know you can have him back whenever you want. so maybe now hes showing interest in someone else/less interest in you and you feel like you're losing him? coz lets face it if you dump someone and they stay friends with you (weak fools), you have them in the palm of your hand

Why didn't Chris Benoit get a health checkup to see if his brain was messed up?

I mean, its a little weird how they didn't do something about it, if he has this 80+ year old brain :S

Two miscarriages in 12 months - do I keep trying?

Don't give up! I have had 3 miscarriages myself and I know that it is devastating. I have twin girls now!

Do they make you open your eyes when you get pepper sprayed at the police academy?

I know most police dep. pepper spray/taze you...so i was wondering if when you get pepper sprayed they force you to keep your eyes open before they hit you? Or are you allowed to keep your eyes shut?

Hershey's Coco powder in peanut er cookie mixture?

i was wondering if it would taste wierd if i put hersheys coco powder with peanut er mixture from scratch? peanut er, egg, suger, vanilla extract..... coco powder? :P

Car seat fit in airline seat?

The best thing to do is probably contact Southwest directly. Have the information and dimensions on the carseat available and ask them if it will fit. The worst thing would be to get to the airport and be told you cant take it on, so it's better to be sure.

I can't sleep at all since the Haiti quake. Should I go down there?

You won't get in. All commercial flights into Haiti have currently been suspended. The only planes going into or leaving Haiti are those involved in the rescue effort.

Help! New catback problems after having it installed! Motor Mount inserts??

well bro i guess your other option is just to leave the cat off and run a straight pipe from the header to the exhaust. the only way this will affect your car is that it might have a higher low-end and itll be twice as loud but....if you live in a state that does emissions testing id say find a new shop and have them install it because it sounds like this dude at the shop your at now just wants to see how much he can push you before you say youve had enough, so i'd either find a new shop or just leave the cat off but yea i agree with the dude above me, motor mounts arent for exhaust systems.....theyre MOTOR mounts!! lol but i wouldnt let this dude get another penny off you, go to a shop thats worth your time. hope everything works for ya bro....later

How long and how many pounds is saltwater crocodile? Are they smart?

it depends on how big you want to get one. The small ones weigh nothing but when you get ones that are three or four feet long then you are talking anywear from 60 to 120 pounds. Some states it is againist the law to have them.

13 Year Old Tinted Moisturizer!?

Go ahead- if it doesn't have the effect that you wanted then just stop using it- there won't be any harm done =)

Can i run these games with all high settings on my notebook?

My notebooks specs are an Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile T5450 Dual-Core Processor @ 1.66GHz 667FSB 2MB L2 Cache 64-bit, 2GB (2x1GB) PC5300 DDR2-667 SODIMM Memory, and an Built-in NVIDIA GeForce Go 8600M GS 512MB Video. Can it run Doom 3, FEAR, UT3, and Quake 4 on all high settings?

Here is a Pic of ME--what color should my hair be?

I don't know what color to color my hair? Im 30 and Ive always colored my hair blonde but I want something different?? I like Hilary Duff's (Walnut Brown) hair but I don't know if thats me?? I need HELP!!

Who was in charge of Rome in 54 BC?

The Senate exercised political power in Rome, but this was basically controlled by Pompey Magnus in 54 BC, Caesar being absent in Britain (although 22,000 men is hardly 'the largest force embled to date') and Crus, the third Triumvir, was in the east invading Parthia.This left Pompey in political control, and he seized power outright in 52 BC, being appointed Consul by the Senate.

The first compound microscope was developed by?

Leeuwenhoek ...a Dutch lens maker who first saw millions of things floating around in a drop of water.

My dad is so perverted, what to do!?

Send him to jail! or fight back when you get older! when you can support yourself and move out!!!! you need to show him that he is not the boss in this house. He needs to learn how to respect! But for right now just hold on to your anger. cause you still need him and family is important!!

The shop that sells herbal weight loss remedies name Harold and bennet?

Well i forgot the name of it but it something H&B it starts off like that. if you can tell me the name of the shop ill be so thankful it is the shop that sells pills, mixtures, stuff like that. thank you

Question about translating Biblical Hebrew?

Just a word on the Isaiah. The Greek translation is *cultural* as well as linguistic. They read it as an epithet of Venus and then used another of her epithets, 'lightbringer' in their translation. The Latin translated 'lightbringer', not הֵילֵל.

Question for anyone with any CAD experience?

I've been working on a design for an invention of mine and in order to create a prototype I need a CAD model. I would hire someone who knows what they're doing, but I'm a broke college student so that's not really an option. I have no experience whatsoever with any CAD software and I'm not sure if this is even worth my time, but I'm a quick learner and what I'm designing is relatively simple. What software should I use and where should start? I really don't need the most advanced software. Like I said, the design is very simple. Any istance would be greatly appreciated.

What is Gerard Way's original hair-color?

MCR, the lead singer, what's his actual hair-color? I sound like such a fangirl, but he changes it so much that I just had to know

Air pump advice needed?

Yes maybe the smaller pump would have been ok but the bigger one will run an aerator and a filter, which the smaller one might not have done. You can certainly use the bigger pump for two bubble ornaments - you need a "T" or "Y" connector which almost all aquarium shops should stock. Don't worry too much about the pump, it will probably last longer than the small one and will cope if you decide to get a second or bigger tank.

Does bring on ur labor? or walkin?

Neither of these things neccessarily bring on labour, they are believed to help, but baby will come out when ready.

Can anyone write a sonnet for me i need one tonight?

Whatever you go with don't choose RZ's because that's a legitimate sonnet. Just write something with around eleven syllables on each line for about fourteen lines. Do it over sports?

Days Fans.........?

So what is your prediction? Do you think Sammy is carrying both guys babies or what? Poor Sammy is finally trying to do the right thing in her life and now she has to deal with this crap! What do you think is going to happen next? I just want her to be happy, finally, but at the same time there would be no juicy storyline ! What would you do next if you were a writer for Days?

Running with Bronchitis?

Non-medical opinion: run. I read a Prevention Magazine "letter to the editor" almost 20 years ago. The woman was asking if she should attend the wedding of a good friend six hours from her home because would miss running for the first time in seven years! The editor's answer: see a psychiatrist. Back to your case: you could take a bronchodilator to main proper lung function. I would personally be reluctant to run on severe winter days secondary to the potential insult to your lungs. Check this with a pulmonary specialist or family doc who is informed on pulmonary issues.

Kinda long but its INTERESTING! I'd really appreciate some help DECODING HIM!?

He's messed up/. He's going here and there. Just tell him "Hey can you holler at me once in awhile...Geez. i MISS YOU Best friend

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cute Carry on Luggage?

I'm looking for a rolling carry on for an upcoming trip, nothing too big, again carry on but I want it to be structured (I have way too many duffle bags) and bold. a pattern or bright color but without completely breaking the bank, besides ebay...where could I find something like this? (The basic dep. stores have the black/red/blue ones but I want something different)

Serious Question About Animal Abuse....?

okay i have a question that i want you to answer seriously... if you were walking home one day from somewhere and saw a young puppy chained outside without food shelter and water and it was on the brink of dieing would you steal it out of the yard then call the cops? what would you do? no im not in this situation but i want to know what to do if it ever happens...

Male Betta and gouramis?

i say the cory cat will do fine. but the pleco is better. you know why? well nothing fights with the pleco and it doesnt either. when it grows big put it in your bigger tank.

What literary device is used in "we are nearer than lovers" ?

From the book All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, the entire quotation is: "I belong to them and they to me; we all share the same fear and the same life, we are nearer than lovers...." would devices are used? simile? metaphor? hyperbole?

Virgin drinks?

What kinds can I make in abundance? I don't drink so at parties it's nice to have creative things OTHER than shirley temples. recipes would be great too, if you have any. thanks mucho!

What should I do?

Kris & I were best friends for over 6 years. Over the past 2 years we haven't been as close, just because of school, I guess. Just recently we got in a pretty bad disagreement. Her mom keeps pictures of my boyfriend on her desk at her work(no pics of me), visits him at work(has never visited me), and brings him lunch! Kris and my boyfriend aren't even close friends. So I told Kris that I think her mom has a thing for my boyfriend, kind of in a joking way. Her mom finds out and freaks out on me. Anyways, her mom totally turned Kris against me because Kris brought up all of this other crap that happened years ago that has nothing to do with this particular situation, called me a b*tch, and said that she was over me a long time ago. Yeah, I've done some bad things in our friendship, but she hasn't been the perfect friend either! Kris isn't talking to me, deleted her Myspace and made a new one, all because of this. I really want to confront her but at the same time I don't...

A probing parallel universe question?

That would depend mightily on what type of parallel universe you're referring to: quantum? Quilted? A brane-verse? An alternate or higher dimension? There are many types of parallel universes, each having their own qualities and characteristics.

Physics Acceleration Problem Need Help?

From the top of a cliff, a person uses a slingshot to fire a pebble straight downward, which is the negative direction. The initial speed of the pebble is 7.85 m/s. (a) What is the acceleration (magnitude and direction) of the pebble during the downward motion? (b) After 0.418 s, how far beneath the cliff top is the pebble?

How can you depict the symbolic significance of an animal?

This probably isnt what your looking for but I just thought I'd share my opinion. An animal is an animal, it doesnt have to represent anything, it is apart of nature. Why would an animal have anything to do with the moon or sun? Its all a big circle, Everything is everything. No one animal represents one thing. Srry if this doesnt make sense and if its against ur beliefs, if you have any questions please email me

I can't remember the name of this children's book?

I read it in somewhere between first and third grade. The main character was a cat and I think she stowed away on a boat and ended up finding some dinosaur friends. She was very crafty and brought a lot of seemingly useless things along to get herself out of any situation. There were lots of made-up creatures. No one has any idea what I'm talking about. If you can think of any book that sort of sounds like this one (my memory could be tainted- this could be a little off), please answer!!!!! Thank you.

My car is farting through the carb..?

what can i do to cure this embarasing sound..i just changed my belts with the engine running because i couldnt turn off the engine because my battery is bad and this is when it all started

My granddaughter 19 yr old, out of HS, no plans to go to college or a tech school.She has a terrible attitude

when you ask her a question, she snips at me or just doesn't answer at all. She will not help around the house, if she is told to she rants & raves. She moved out, to live with a girl friend lasted month, she told to get out because of her attitude, very moody and angry. Any suggestions. Her dad and I are at wits end.

Why did Mendenhall hump Ben Roethisberger at the end of the AFC game?

a href="http://www.okmagazine.com/2011/01/watch-rashard-mendenhall-humps-ben-roethlisberger-after-steelers-victory/" rel="nofollow"http://www.okmagazine.com/2011/01/watch-…/a

What kind of foods should I eat and avoid? I'm extremely overweight and have hormone problems.?

You know, good old home cooking is the way. Cut all fast food out of your diet, and also ALL frozen foods. You like chicken, go to costco or Sam's club and get the frozen 's. You can marinate them, make chicken taco's, teriyaki chicken, chicken caesar salad, chicken noodle soup. Everything is so much healthier for you when you cook. Also, you burn calories when you cook :) turn on some good tunes, it's a recipe for overall good health!

Why is Hilary Clinton secretary of state since?

she and President Obama cant stand each other. Bill is widely respected but I guess that wasnt possible? (shame actually)

Can I use a celebrity name in my Fiction book?

It's fine. However, I'm not sure why you'd bother. Your paragraph's stronger without the last sentence.

Will Republican attempt to restart Cold War accidentally remind people of reality?

Your conclusions are an absolutely astonishing mix of unrelated events and show adept use of circular logic.

Radioactive decay calculus question?

Two years ago there were 5 grams of radioactive substance.� Now there are 4 grams.� How much will remain 3 years from now?

Why is country music so bad?

you are right, but real clic country music is great . the pop crap that is now called country is bad and an insult to all true blue country artists.it takes more than a pair of boots a guitar and bleached blonde hair to be a country singer

For any mothers who did IUI........?

How many IUI cycles did you do before you had a BFP?? I know it varies depending on your situation but I'm curious...

Do you think mickie james stood a chance as "top diva"?

Well she would have her hands full with Beth Phoenix at being the "Top Diva". Also Natalya would be close up there with her. She has also done proved she can beat Victoria so overall I would say she had/has a pretty good chance as the "Top Diva" in WWE.

What does Romans 8:18-25 mean?

It means that nobody knows the truth anymore and the essence of the molecules of the universe as a whole are in great anticipation of the discovery of said truth.

Check out this computer please?

wow, my answer would be to just go with 4 gigs of ddr2 ram, (its dirt cheap) upgrade the proccessor as much as possible, and upgrade the video card to a 4830. but really the processor will be the slowest part, and the 6gb of ram is overkill, heck even ddr3 is overkill.

How much flour to use to thicken 4.5 cups of liquid?

I am making beef stew and the combined volume of the beef broth and the wine is 4.5 cups. How much flour should I use to thicken it? And what's the trick to mixing in flour to prevent lumping?

Do you think its weird if I sleep wit a stuffed animal lol?

I have to confess it does help me get to sleep.... But if your trying to impress a girl try and hide it somewhere, though be aware you don't want it to get angry and stab you in the night.. My teddy bear once did that to me. Anyway back to the point, No it is not girly and people should not be stereotypical about it. It is one of the best ways to get to sleep, I am 15 and I sleep with my little baker.

Where can I get sheet music on line for acoustic guitar for cheap?

Try Guitarworld.com. They have a *huge* tablature section sent in by readers. Even better than cheap, it's free!

Someone Help Me With This Please.....?

That's Really Wierd .. Tribute to My Brother He Always Say's a Girl have only Enemy in the world is a Girl .come on be practical he leaved her for you .. and he could leave you for someone to .. am i right .. Simple Airthmetic here .. but what is the thing till both of u hadn't have a i am sure he wont leave u its upto u what kind of relationship u want from .. him ? either a Marriage or u are Ping time with him .. its upto you but he is not loyal or Royal Guy for a Girl i believe that

A quote about the significance of Portraiture in the field of art...?

I'm a portrait artist, and someone I know ( I hesitate to call him a friend at this time) suggested portraiture was not as difficult or valuable as art that is created completely from the imagination. When I think of artists such as Rembrandt and Leonardo Da Vinci this notion seems quite ridiculous. I would like to reference a very respectable source to retort his statement. If someone knows of a particular quote or page I could send him I would be very happy. Thanks.

My client id no in canada work permit?

My client id no in canada work permit starts with F and continued by 7 numbers. and my file no starts with BN continued by 8 numbers. i am really confused . I cant track my via because the usual client id format is xxxx-xxxx all are numbers. and also the file number format is Bxxxxxxxxx continued by 9 numbers. i request any body help me to track my visa and confirm my client id and file no happens in this new format.I really thanking u for anwers.

Help with my stubborn dog?

I have a 10 month old lab. She is a sweatheart, and i've always had a hard time with walking her, which i'm hoping she'll grow out of. But lately she has started this new thing of laying down during our walk. I don't mean like a long walk, i'm talking about the 100ft to our mailbox. I live in an apartment, and i think the boilers are messed up cause my apartment is really warm, and it doesn't help that my apartment is above the boilers, so i think she's doing it to lay on the cool gr. Which would be fine except i've got people staring at me cause she does it where i can't sit either, if there was a bench out there or something i'd let her lay down. Anyway, half the time it looks like i'm abusing my dog because nothing i do will get her up so i have to grab her by the collar to get her to stand up and then i have to basically drag her to deter her from laying down again. Please help!!!!

How can I help stop the non sense on television and the internet?

I am so angry and aggravated. I want to know what I can do to make a change in our society today. I have 2 beautiful daughters that are growing up in this nasty world. Today me and my husband were flipping through the channels and I saw a show called the Girls next Door, OMG, are you serious?? The only thing that was blurred out was the tramps !!! Come on people! What is this world coming to? They took prayer out of schools and put wh*res on tv?? I am so confused! I want to know what us concerned mothers can do about this issue! I cant sit back and do nothing! If you are here to disagree with me then dont waste your time or mine bc I take my girls future very serious and I don't like when disrespectful women on tv brain wash my girls to think its ok to act that way. My opinion is that these women are dumb and lazy to use their bodies to make money! Get a real job dummies!!!!

Who are the only 2 candidates in the 20th century to only win the electoral votes of 1 state?

George McGovern (who won Machusetts) and Walter Mondale (who won Minnesota). Both also won the District of Columbia.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hot flushes?

I have been having hot flushes for the last two months and had them at the same time last year. I am not sure if they are related to the menopause or something else. I am 47 and I suppose it could be the menopause. It just seems a bit odd to have them only for a few months each year . Has anyone got any ideas as to what it could be? and what is causing it. I have them on average every half an hour. They are driving me mad and I really would like to know if there is anything I can do to stop them HELP.

What is the lift of 1971 318 cam??

im looking for a cam for in my 1971 plymouth road runner and im worried about getting a cam lift thats too high and would damage the valve springs, any ideas?

Biology/microscope homework help!?

You're magnifying by a factor of four (100x to 400x) so that means the area that you're looking at will be smaller by a factor of four as well. So 1640 / 4 = 410um

LeArse supporters?

No they don't because most of these Arsenal supporters started supporting the team within the last month. And I have been saying all along that this lead is not safe at all. I would be saying that no matter who were in the lead, even United. A 5 point lead with 12 games to go including 2 against the 2nd and 3rd place teams mean your title is not even within reach. But let Gooners get all uppity and crash when United retake the lead after their match in April.

I have a question about my 11w3d u/s...?

It is near impossible to accurately determine gender at 13 weeks via ultrasound, I don't even think they will attempt to look at 11 weeks. I know how hard it is with the anticipation building...you are just gonna have to wait a little longer, sorry! Here is a photo of my little one at 11 weeks 1 day- a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/23400167@N08/2931084157/." rel="nofollow"http://www.flickr.com/photos/23400167@N0…/a It was amazing to watch her move around that early, especially when I could barely feel it. She was kicking, jabbing and flipping around like a little ninja swimmer :). Good luck!

Are dollar store plastic serving plates Kosher?

I am making a small party & all the prepared foods are glat kosher am I able to use plastic serving plates fom the dollar store to use for serving the food? The Party is being held in a strictly kosher environment under supervision of a Rabbi.

Where can i buy scented stickers from the early 80s?


Modernity affecting Christianity?

If a Christian of today was transported back to 13th century Europe, they'd be charged as heretics and burned at the stake. That's because unlike Christians of those days, most Christians of today know that the flu isn't caused by witches or that electrical devices are not powered by sorcery.

NaHCO3 + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2?

well this is my answer" 2NaHCO3 (s) + H2SO4(aq) = Na2SO4( aq)+ 2H2O (l)+ 2CO2(g),....but i keep getting it wrong..so somone plzz help me out including STATES...thanks in advace


what is life? people may ask. people see life as a fluke " its a total fluke that we are here today" as my older brother said. many conceive life as scientific. how we were born how we were made alll science nothing more to life but science. some people are comfortable knowing the fact that the only reason they are alive today is because of a fluke that the big bang is responsible for everything and that god does not exsist because science proves everything that people back in jesus's time were stupid and thought that everything they saw was created by god therefor we think the same thing. well then i must say in a way i agree and in a way i disagree. while your reading this i want you to look down at your arms and your legs and look in a mirror and really look in a mirror glance at yourself like uve never before do you think that all of your features your life your eyes your feet your body parts especially your big brain capable of thnking amazing things is all here cuz of a fluke? people this is your life is you concider atheism to be tru then u mise wel kill yourslves right now because you are rejecting god and welcoming eternal death. each individual on this planet young and old eventually dies but the biggest problem on the face of the earth is death. what is it? is it simply your brain shutting down for eterurnity ? or is it something bigger a page to a better place. yes ladies and gentlemen. while your on this earth be thankful for each and everyday wheather there is a god or not be thankkful you are alive. because i try to be the best person i can each and every day because i know if there is a god he would be happy with me and welcome me so please take my words into consideration because i have been struck with this fear for over a year now day and night pondering what i will be doing for eturnity take these words into concideration. your time on earth is limited live out each day to the best of your ability- marcus critelli age 14.

When I invite people to my group, the invitation got spammed. What should I do?

I am the moderator of a group and I've been inviting people to my group. Some people I have sent multi invites, since they haven't joined. Today, their email server spammed me. So if they still want to join the group, how can they unspam the Yahoo group invitation?

Is this the most honest global warming denier you've encountered?

Most likely since she knows what she is talking about. It is only people that blindly follow AGW that are deceived. I have heard AGW backers use everything to "proof" that man driven climate change is real. Then again, Dana, you are one of the drum bangers for AGW and nothing any one could say or show you would change your mind. It is funny how she is ignorant and closed-minded but people like yourself that do the same thing are not?

Can stress cause physical pain?

Lately I've been very stressed with friends, boys, school work, and home life. I stay up all night thinking, and in the morning I have mive headaches that make me just want to shut my eyes and never move. i get severe eczema on my feet and a bad rash in between my hands. I also have psoriasis on my hands. it all seems to get worse, badly inflamed, and more painfull during the peaks of my stress level. My muscles are all achy, and I'm falling asleep in cl all the time, even though I get an okay amount of sleep. I suffer from ADHD so I can hardly stop thinking, I feel it brings my stress level up. I'm 16 so I don't think I should be in this much pain. I'm literally falling apart. is it stress?

. Trig Help Please .?

first i need to see parenthesis so i know where each element it otherwise it can be solved MULTIPLE ways.

Which OS will be faster on my computer?

Youv'e got an alright hard drive and RAM but I wouldn't suggest vista 64 (you might just get away with running vista 32). Instead get XP professional 64 bit.

Will Michigan Save Mitt Romney? Or is he dead on arrival?

Mitt who? He didn't even return to Michigan when he was educated by his father's Michgian Dollars. He opted for the rich eastern seaboard lifestyle..the Hamptons, Martha Vineyard and Swanky Harvard.etc. Michigan is dying and only the rich are getting richer. You will need a wheelbarrel of money to turn things around.. Kick-out the Autos and put technology in with providing computers to every kid that completes high school. Now that would get things on track

Which NFL player jersey would be the coolest?

I'm a big football fan, but I want a the jersey to represent more than just the football player, I want something more interesting. Some examples would be Atlanta Falcons #7 Ron Mexico (Michael Vick's pre-jail time alias) or Cincinnati Bengals #85 Ochocinco (Chad Johnson's name change). Any other ideas along those lines? College, Arena League, and XFL are acceptable too

Should the New Orleans Saints get rid of Reggie Bush?

To be honest hes not all he had hyped up to be.The Saints offense is good and would be fine without him.With deuce aging and possibly not coming back maybe the should trade Bush for another running back or some decent Defense

Could I have had TSS?

For the past week I've had a sore throat and a stuffy nose, but I never went to the doctor for it. 5 days ago I got my period and ever since I get head aches, my sense of smell is really bad (like everything smells disgusting even if I love it), I get stomach pains easily, I now have diarrhea (sorry tmi) , when ever I walk up stairs on down a hall my breathing gets heavy so I'm panting. Then when I'm sitting down my eyes get droopy and I feel shaky and dizzy. SO it feels like I could fall forward at any second. I don't know whats wrong. Also I sometimes get light headed. My forehead fells normal, also my whole body gets freezing cold then really warm and my breathing is very loud and shaky. <------This all happened in the past 5 days. Right now I just have a small head ache, now stomach pains, no sore throat. Just a runny nose, and a small head ache. My does hurt a bit, but for the past few days sicne I've been on my period I've been using atleast 3 tampons a day. So the shortest amount of time I had a tampon in this week was 2 hours and the longest was 6. I only had two tampons in for 6 hours. Once yesterday and once today. I'm using pads right now and I plan on using either a lite tampon on pad tomorrow. Do you think I was just sick or was I so scared of getting TSS that I was thinking about the symptoms I thought I had them. Please help!

Compare House & Senate?

What do the House & Senate do specifically? Is Congress a third entity or is that the combination of these two or what? Does the House do anything specifically that the Senate does not do? Thanks for the enlightenment ahead of time!

LJ or LT or draft- that is the question?

with willie parker most likly gone after this year, wouldn't it seem likly tht the steelers would pick up a proven replacement back in case mendenhall goes down? to get larry johnson now he could grow with the team, to wait on LT might take some time, but to wait on a rookie could take three or more years, i feel with the other two there it might go a long way to stopping mendenhall's fumble problem.

Need a name for a punk rock band?

similar to that of U2...plz i have a band and give as many as names as u can...and it shud be similar to that of U2

I purchased a rental on itunes, but it disappeared the same day?

It said "23 hours," not "23 days." You have it for 30 days, but only 24 hours once you start to play it.

How to determine the momentum of a projectile in an inelastic collision?

I'm trying to determine how the momentum of a pellet (from a pellet gun) changes upon hitting a ballistic pendulum after being shot from different firing distances. Can anyone provide the calculations to do this?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Rivers and Peterson for Brees and Ronnie Brown?

I was offered the following trade: I receive Drew Brees and Ronnie Brown and i Give up Phillip Rivers and Adrian Peterson. Should I accept? Isn't RB the more valuable position when it comes to FANTASY football?

I have a linksys wireless usb adapter and its not workin on my desktop what do i have to do or download?

the model no. is usb200m ver.2 (aka 2.0) and it is made by linksys the first time i put it in the usb drive, it opened something but it closed and it never popped up again the other times i've plugged it in. I was wondering what I have to do to get it installed and working, or what I would have to download (online-freeware wise).

What is the diffince bettween biodiesel and ethanol?

Two different types of engines. you cant mix bio-diesel with gas because you can only use bio-diesel in a diesel engine, and only use ethanol in a gas engine. hope this helps.

How similar are the Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian languages?

Yes they are different because the use different alphabets, grammatical and semantic differences are from my standpoint pretty big since I was never exposed to Serbian and/or Bosnian and unlike my parents and, to a lesser extent, grandparents ( who had as much difficulty with Serbian as myself since they were thought Croatian in their youth, unlike my parents who were thought that unholy mix). I speak a dialect called kajkavian and if and when I chose to use it with someone from e.g. Serbia he/she will make out 1/4. I would also like to accentuate the fact that the Croatian "standard" is not actually standard since it was introduced only a 100 years ago in an effort to more closely bind Serbian and Croatian interests which seemed prudent at that time. The whole central, northern and northwestern part of Croatia speaks kajkavian, the western most part and south čakavian dialect and only the eastern part the "standard", i.e. štokavian which is most similar to Serbian and Bosnian but with big differences still. And no there isn't a language called Yugoslavian, that would be something like Czeckoslovakian. I'd also like to state for the record that languages such as Swedish and Norwegian, Czech and Slovakian etc. are also pretty similar but I haven't seen people ask whether they are the same language. Croatian has been a language in its own right for at least a 1000 years and only in the last 100 have there been "problems" with whether it is a language separate from Serbian. I'd also wager that if you ask a Croatian 99% would say that there isn't a language called Serbo-Croatian and that the language they speak is Croatian. On the other hand if you ask someone from Serbia ( as the previous poster ) he/she will almost always say that either there is no Croatian and that we speak modified Serbian or that there exists Serbo-Croatian. We don't want to have anything to do with Serbia, Serbian, Serbians till they get a grip on themselves. Imagine how would you feel if someone constantly imposes their own "truth" and their version of events upon you and insist that you speak something you know is not what they claim it is... And they just won't leave us be... I speak Croatian which to me is as different from Serbian as are Polish, Slovenian and Russian.

Which is better...?

SO... I have been wondering. Is it bettr to be a optimistic or a cynical thinker? What is so good about thinking cyinically if your upset all the time and what is good about being optimistic if happiness in people are all lies?

Would this be traumatizing and or damaging to my 6 month olds mental health?

I am practically a single mom half of the time, (husband is gone on a ship) I desperatly need to pack to move out of our apartment starting today and need to be done by Friday. I cannot pack because I have a baby whom always cries if I don't hold him (please don't judge me there) can I pack and let him cry as long as he is fed and dry diapered? I will snuggle him every so often but I must must must get this done or else we are in big financial doo doo.

Does this Character sound alright? any opinions?

Sampson-a young Jewish man who lived with in strict sect of Judaism with his family. He lived in the Victorian Countryside in England. As a teenager, Sampson didn't like living in such a strict environment with his family and community for two reasons; 1) it denied him individual independence, which made him stubbornly selfish and always arguing with his Father and Stepmother. 2) he didn't like the way Jews were being mistreated by the Christians, he hated the slander but remains faithful to his faith, but was always pessimistic about Jews ever gaining respect by anyone. He secretly became a drinker, a voyeur and enjoyed reading the tales of the Marquis de Sade. He then met a runaway Nun named Agnes who shared his pions and desires, both ran away to London where they hoped to live better lives, but with all the prejudice and taunting by Christian/Anglican bigots, they were forced to work in the criminal Underworld: they owned an Antique Shop were they received 'merchandise' from street urchins in exchange for food and shelter. Sampson and Agnes became husband and wife despite their religions; Sampson remained a faithful Jew and Agnes a Roman Catholic, but both were bold, sinfully delicious, somewhat selfish but loyal to each other and also amorous.

Only answer is you live in the jane and finch area, is it really as dangerous as they say?

Friends of mine lived there for years, and then they moved, due to the community problems. Unfortunately, the area has a lot of crime activity and it is often in the news, but there are many, many good people who live there. Concerned citizens are working with the police to sort out the problems and to make it safer. Here is some information about the area, plus a newspaper article about an incident earlier this summer:

What movies have a scene that takes place in the washroom?

Casino Royale has a great opening sequence in a washroom. Also in The Godfather, when Michael Corleone has to retrieve the gun from behind the cistern. In Liar Liar, Jim Carey beats himself up in one, and there's a great washroom scene in Robocop. In Reservoir Dogs, Tim Roth's character visualises a fake story involving a washroom, two cops and a bag of weed.

What does my dream mean ????

i have a really weird dream that i am friends with a celebrity.. usually people like Lily Allen or Nicole Richie.. what does it mean to have dreams about celebrities ? BTW im not obsessed with these ppl it just happens to be them lol

I dont understand him...? (advice)?

he has no problem flirting with other girls or talking with them but with me he'll talk to me a few times if im lucky (we see each other everyday) and its usually him teasing me with that smirk on his face. sometimes he'll look at me or his friends will but there are other times when i see him just looking around at almost everytime in homeroom. usually when hes talking to other girls he doesnt smile that much (but then again...) idk is it possible he might like me?

Crazy fun girls in ZANTE 18th JUNE 2009, r u?

hey me and sum of my girlys are heading off to Zante 18/06/09, staying in Plaza II apartments, flying from Leeds Bradford, are you gonna be there same time as us? x

What are good lotto numbers?

Statistically every number has an even chance of appearing in any lottery. However, there are more reliably profitable methods of betting on the appearance of individual numbers using a ulitive betting system.

What 10 players should I keep for my fantasy baseball team?

im not too familiar with keeper leagues, but if your league will go on for more than a year or two you definitely want to keep the younger players. looking at your team id say pence, lince, joba, and gallardo. again thats only if you plan on doing this league for about 5 years or so. otherwise you'd pick the obvious answers like johan reyes wright putz cabrera utley howard phillips crawford

Why is it so politically incorrect to say jews are not minorites?

Jews in america are white. They check caucasian on any form. Thats like saying German americans are a minority. Jews are the richest people in the country and we are supposed to act like they are these poor downtrodden persecuted people.

Will Republicans ever take personal responsibility for the mive deficits they create?

Looks like you did a lot of work just to read the numbers backward...good luck in life, you will need it when the chickens come to roost at your house.

How can I prove that I can afford to make my car payment in an upcoming reaffirmation agreement hearing?

I filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Michigan. The only secured debt that I have is a car loan which I signed a reaffirmation agreement for. Now I have to go to court to prove that I will be able to afford my car payments. My question is how do I prove I can make my payment to the judge? My parents live with me and my mother was my co-signer for the loan. She plans on going and telling the judge that if I can't make my payments she will do it. She doesn't have a very large income though so I am not sure how much of an impact that will have. I really can afford the payments myself but the way they figure expenses for basic things like food and clothing differ from the way I budget. I spend much less than other people apparently. Any suggestions as to how I can prove that the payments will be made would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Relationship to my father!!?

hey there.. im having headaches with my father.. i do not feel he does not love me.. he always yell at me, tell me bad things, that im gay even though im not.. he also hurt me and my mom many times.. he tells us things that are ironically appropriate for him! worst, im the one who really discovered the miracles he's doin! he'd doing you know.. Fuc*ing things with a man.. i think he's a bi! yeah.. i saw him in the act! how miserable of me isnt it? how poor am I.. i dont have any masculine figure on home.. i dont have a brother.. i just always cry because of that.. im also longing for fatherly coaching, love? if only you know how much heartaches and pains ive gone with his attitude and personality.. his ideals are when i tell him i need love.. he says.. "drama. i dont like drama." see?? he's so naive. i hate him! but when i try to hate him, i end up like crying because of my kind heart.. he's still my father and maybe when i was little, he loved me very much. he changed. what can u say??

Morneau for Lince?

Tough one, LaRoche/Jones are huge downgrades from Morneau, however, uming the rest of your batters aren't terrible, I'd do this trade. You could really use Lince. His recent struggles should be behind him, he is still a top 5 starting pitcher. If anything, you're making the smart move here, Lince is a good buy-low guy right now. You've got great pitching depth, if you can get Lince, I'd try and sell high on ey or Cueto, package one of them with LaRoche or Jones, asking for a better 1B.

I was followed by a guy, he happens to live opposite me, what do i do?

I was walkin along a main road at 2pm, near 2 my house, wen a guy who lives opposite was pin by walkin aswel but on the opposite side of the rd. Myself & my family hav had a few problems wiv this guy in the past as it is & we dont speak at all nemor. I felt uneasy 2 see him, & as he walked he looked bk at me & i did to at him, he gave a evil stare aswel as a smirky smile. I carried on walkin, at the same time lookin bk 2 check he wernt followin me, & i noticed him cross the road, so now he was on the same side of the rd as me, but stil a distance away but within sight of me. I worried at this point wonderin 2 myself y he had crossed the rd, makin himself on the same side as me, so i began 2 fasten my step, & as i did, he began walkin 2wards me, i strated walkin even faster & as i did, he began 2 jog towards me, i was scared & ran to a pub which was 4 mins away, afta dat he disapeared. He lives opposite me & im scared 2 leve the house on my own, incase he follows me agen. Plz help me

I was doing a crochet pattern and don't know what round I'm on!?

Go around the row slowly and try to find your last increase of rows. By that I mean comparing what you are now doing and what you have done. The difference in the rows should be different in increase somewhere, stitches,chains,dc's etc. When you find that you should be able to "read" what you have done and what the pattern book tells you to do.

Do the Progressive voters have any idea that their leadership is leading them astray?

doubting it cause the govnerment trolls aren't going to take away that carrots which is leading them right off the deepest cliff ever.lol

Highschool problem please help (10 pts to most helpful)?

I'm intimidated by uppperclmen. I'm a freshman and I'm intimidated by sophmores, juniors, and seniors. They just freak me out! They scare me because they are older. I have a few upperclmen in my study hall, they always try to socialize with me but I always just move away. We have a new student that a sophmore, that likes me but I don't like her because she's a sophmore. Is that a good reason not to like someone? They hate me because I'm a freshman, I hate them because they are upperclmen. Am I being unfair? I mean they kind of started it with the freshman hazing.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Kelly Willis lyrics help!?

does anyone know the lyrics to nobady wants to go to the moon anymore by kely willis of the album translated from love?i cant find it anywhere. also what type of music would you say she sings, it seems alot sheryl crows tpyr of music but i dont know what that would be, any info about her would be good, i am a new fan!

Can anyone offer information on getting married in Italy?

My husband and I would like to have a symbolic ceremony in either Rome or Venice. The quotes from the wedding planners we have received are very expensive. It's just the two of us, we need a photographer, a private location for ceremony, and flowers. We have been quoted between 2500 - 3000 euro it seems very pricey. Thanks in advance to anyone that can help!

Online gaming community to make money?

Does anyone remember the website of the game that was on GMA (Good Morning America) About a game for teens to make money? Would be very helpfull

What kind of psychologist is this?

Veronica is a psychologist who has spent a majority of her career essing the function of neurotransmitters and their affect on the development of depression

Christmas Lights Question?

When we put up our Christmas tree all the lights were fine. Until now. The bottom row is blinking and we can't take them off because we already have garland and ornaments up. They blink on and off. Its really annoying. How do we solve this problem without ruining our tree?

How can the president check the power of the legislative branch?

An executive order can't override congress. The president's check against congress is his power to veto a law. Basically, veto power is the president's way of influencing congress by preventing them from ping a law that he disagrees with.

Federal Reserve Police?

I have applied and have been contacted by ATL branch. What should I expect of the job? Do they carry firearms both on and off duty? Patrol Cars? Are they really Federal Police.

Does he like me or is he into me? Long but please help!! :)?

This guy likes you, no doubt. There are two types of guys that do things when they like a girl. The first type are the ones who never leave the girl's side and constantly talk and make themselves look good. Then there are the shyer guys (like myself) who love to have conversations that are not face to face (like on the computer like you said) and tend to turn away if they think the other person notices them looking at them. Approaching him just like you normally would and ask him straight up could very well drive him to be even shyer. The trick is to get him to tell you himself (it's a guy self- confidence thing). Try to spend more time with him and when he is comfortable, he'll eventually spill his heart out to you. Keep a positive attitude, because this guys likes you. Hope this helped.

Why is there an "indent" in my horse's backside?

We have had 2 horses, Spike and Reba, for a few months now. Recently a farrier has came out to shoe them and noticed an "indent" on Spike's hips. I know he is not being underfed, in fact we have upped his grain intake. They both get a scoop of grain in the morning and night and about two or three leaves of hay twice a day. We didn't notice anything until the farrier said something. Nothing has changed behaviorally, and Reba does not have it. It is more present on the left side, facing his , but increases or decreases depending on his stance. It starts just a few inches past where the saddle ends and is circular. It does not extend down to his thigh and remains mostly on his back. We wormed them a few weeks ago and he had diarrhea one day, if that means anything. It really is bothering us and want to make sure he is the happiest healthiest horse he can possibly be (both of them), so if you have any ideas whatsoever or sites where I could go that might give me an answer I would greatly appreciate it!

Raising the Capital Gains Tax for the purpose of Fairness?

So even though statistically when you drop that rate the revenue for the government goes up, we want to raise the rate just stick it to the wealthy? How does that make any sense? Shouldn't we look at the big picture here?

Cambridge diet?

Hiya I am thinking of starting this diet as i have heard good things about it. My friend has lost 1 and half stone in 5 weeks. she looks fab and will do for her wedding, although it cost her 35 gbp a week thats for 3 sachets a day 2 shakes and one soup, can you get this anywhere cheaper

Does judge judy have the aids virus?

No, she is just elderly and excessively thin. She has high cheekbones and a strong face structure which results in the skeletor look. She has been married to the same man for years, centuries actually. This is a message for women who desire to be thin into old age...put on some weight and flesh out those cheekbones or look like the Grim Reaper. Really. When I get old I'm going to be plump. I'm fat already so I've got a good head start...hee, hee.

How the heck did Jason Varitek make, let alone start, the all star game?

I mean i know he's the captain of the awesome boston red sox, but geez he's batting close to .200!! and he's really not that great defensively either.

Please.. which gets oxideized?

There is a little trick my chem teacher taught me. LEO GER. It sounds stupid but it works. Lose Electrons Oxidized, Gain Electrons Reduced. If you have a positive charge then you would need to gain electrons which means that element is reduced. If you have a negative charge then you need to lose electrons and be reduced.


I want to eat a healthy breakfast tomorrow, what are some good ideas? I would like to use bananas and strawberries....... I was thinking shredded wheat cereal with sliced bananas and strawberries and either tea, milk, OJ, or an orange or a french toast sandwich with 2 slices of whole grain bread, sliced bananas and strawberries and a gl of milk. Which one sounds better and if you choose the first then what drink should I go with? Thanks, and any suggestions are appreciated! Oh and I'm not trying to lose weight or anything, just stay healthy. I'm 13 btw. Thanks again! :)

OLTL: How many times did you replay the Jess/Gnat punch?

4 or 5 times. She should have had a black eye. Natalie and Brody make me sick. He erased the tape, and she is a jerk

Physics Research help needed for a novel, about the moon rotating suddenly on its axis..?

Your scenario is virtually impossible. Some outside force would have to hit the moon to change its rotation, namely a large rouge moon of similar size that would no doubt ter enough debris to completely wipe out life on earth as a result. The earth is not tidally locked to the moon, by the way, just the moon to the earth. And if the moon began rotating somehow, it would take an equal force to stop it from rotating again so that the far side became tidally locked instead.

Narnia Books?

I know that alot of parallels are in the Narnia books and Christianity. I know alot of them, but I want a list of them. 10 points to the longest list...I dont want any links please.

Why are some 'christian' organizations prohibiting women to wear pants ?

Thou shall not wear Pant Suits would have been the 11th commandment, but they ran out of slabs to burn it on

Does anyone know the brand of shoes that Claire Dunphy wears on the Game Changer episode of Modern Family?

They look like black suede wedge pumps and I want to know where I can get them. It's from the most recent episode of Modern Family that aired on March 31st called Game Changer. Thanks!

Why is Obama & Janet allowing illegals convicted of violent crimes are often released right back onto streets?

you are right. it's because they want the votes of poor lousy illegal s who will obviously vote for democrats since they can have WELFARE. i have nothing whatsoever against the mexican, spanish, etc. race they are wonderful people. it's just these drug dealers, murderers, cheaters, stealers, etc.

Wet plastic is non conductor wet wood is conductor Why?

Wood tend to absorb water and thus distribute it to its entirety unlike plastic which exclude water compartmentalizing it. Water doesn't p through plastics.

So i like this guyy...help?

so i like this guy thats cute and funny and nice and playful, but also kind of quiet and a bit awkward.he's also on football and people like him but he hangs with a bunch of wierd nerdy people as well... but like i think he likes me and everyone says they think he likes me but he wont act on it or at least hasnt yet and it been a while so far and i dont really know what to say to him to start a conversation since he wont really because like i said a he's bit awkward..soo any tips on starting talking to him, also getting him to act on asking me out or hanging out moree?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ok I like this Girl (Help girls and Guys)?

Ok i like this girl (obviously)WE make eye contact in the halls usually.I see her sometimes touch her hair and one time she randomly went into her bag.Last Friday i was making hand gestures to my friends and making my friends laugh.I dont talk to this girl but i saw her looking at me at the main entrance that day.This week is midterm week and i saw her looking at me walking past me.When i looked up she was looking at me .What does this mean?If she likes me what can i do not to go up and talk 2 her randomly

Can u please help me with the Aztecs?

Just type Aztecs in your search bar and then click on the second site that read just "Aztecs" when you get to that site click on the picture of what you want to know, like dress,culture,etc.

Modern Warfare 2 tester questions?

I know somebody has to test the game before they ship it and give it reviews so i have some questions for the people whos job it is to do that. First, I was wondering if in MWF2, the time in second chance would be longer than in 1. Second, I was wondering if you can shoot rifles and pistols as fast as in Cod:Waw. That's all for now. Thanks. Also, are there going to be any awesome upgrades that i should know about?

Should the Mormon church loose tax exemption?

I've been thinking since the Mormon church funded proposition 8 and is starting to fund other political acts that work in their own favor should they loose tax exemption and be considered a business instead and be punished for years of tax evasion?

Do you think this item is authenic???

the bidding price makes it seem very iffy and also her not taking a picture of the lable or the zipper, but from the picture it looks pretty authentic, and i have the exact same one except mine's pink. it was like either 200 or 400 dollars, can't remember which. but on the other hand... her feedback is 99.5, it DOES look authentic, it's cute, super warm, and it's only 14.99 so it's not a huge loss if it really isn't real. (if it is fake i doubt no one would notice).

MLS RPI: lots of movement?

I like your formula, esp. because it shows recent performance. and the Galaxy are #2. I'd agree with the index of strength. What does the acronym mean (RPI)?

What rights would you stand up for if you were to become the other gender for a week ? ?

If I was a women I would want to be more judged on my abilities and less on my looks or style. I would want equal pay for equal work.

Do you think Harold Camping is evil?

He just came up with another rapture prediction. Do you think he's evil for misleading the public so many times?!

If Chris Paul were to go to Orlando, which trio do you like better? Bosh, Wade, James vs. Carter, Howard, Paul?

paul, howard, carter because they are already a team thats sweeping others in the playoffs if they got chris paul... work in the pick and roll then they could make it to the finals once again

Excerpt from my story, need advice, pointers, opinions, ect. Thanks! 10 points!!?

I would definitely keep reading. Well I didn't really like the name Scar it kinda stuck out like a sore thumb and well not a big topic of importance but what are her parent's jobs? So they can pay for Scarlett to go to boarding school? I think you need to establish their careers. I like it so far and you can have an infinite amount of plots from that beginning too. The best of luck ^-^

Need some songs...please help!!!?

a href="http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=0vdkcD_pMpQ" rel="nofollow"http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=0vdkcD_pMp…/a

extra bone growth in her ankle bcos of menopause?

My mother is having an extra bone growth in her ankle and the doctors say that it is because of menopause.i wanted to know if this is osteoporosis and also wanted to know if there is any special medical flip flops for this condition?thanks

Mehmet okur is on waivers. Who do I drop?

WRONG! David Lee should Definately be on waivers (if your league is 10 teams or more). Okur for Lee sounds good. If you feel it compromises your Forward depth I'd make either Ellis or Gibson the guy.

Did any body get af around the 20th of march and got bfp my af in march only lasted 3 days every ans helps?

What exactly are you asking? Sounds like you got your period around the 20th but also got a bfp? You need to explain a little better please :)

Can some one help me find another branch of religion?

Why not start at the root , where man made up gods and the devils . It is all a deception perpetrated by man .

Can you answer these government questions?

You should probably answer/research your own question"S". After all what is Wiki and Google, but for the record, its cool you got to ask about this stuff. Have a nice day ahead.

How do I tell him I'm not interested?

Honesty is always the best policy, if your not interested just flat say so, say sorry man you seem pretty cool but just so you know I'm not looking to get in a relationship other than friendship with you. But be aware he could just be a friendly guy and not actually interested, you could be worried for nothing, has he actually made a move? Touching your hair is not asking you on a date, Anytime a person makes you uncomfortable you have the right to say point blank, Your in m space please back off. If he doesn't then walk away, if he pursues you have the right to scream and defend yourself. But really just be honest with the guy say hey, your cool but not the kinda guy I am looking to date or say that your not looking to date anyone right now..

I am selected in indra gandhi rashtriya uran academy,?

, but i am a bit confused that should i join it or not, the fees is 21 lakh rs, i would be taking a loan , but i am scared tha if i wont get a job then it would be impossible for me to repay the loan, i belong to a middle cl family, please reply soon.

NBA: If you could create "Big 3's"...?

The wizards don't have a big 3, same with the nets those guys all suck. Same for the rockets, spurs would be good with Rudy gay, clippers would be good with Joe johnson. Hawks could use a ginobili...

Which religion promotes the most good works?

If you won't count humanism (where people help others because they want to, do good things because they are good people, know the difference between right and wrong, and tend to be well educated), then Jainism.

Honestly do you think?

I think if Vela, Gio, Juarez, Barrera, Guardado, Reyna, Marquez, Maza, Hobbit, Corona or Ochoa, Salcido, Maza, Elias, de Nigris, or even Cortes or Cubo or Arellano start playing to at their very best, and Chepo adapts well to the team and doesn't ruin the line-ups, then we can have a walk in the park this year. USA will bring their best but I don't think that'd be enough.

The Tyra bank america next top model?

thats from yahoo. i agree, she is so freaking annoying, and honestly i think on something. do you ever watch e's the soup? there is a clip just about every week about how stupid she is. i am just so sick of her being everywhere and i cant stand either of her shows.

Welcome to the American school system.... Where eating candy is equal to doing drugs...?

a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23618831" rel="nofollow"http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23618831/a We wonder why students can't cope... their world is rediculous its like that star trek world where all crimes are punished by death. If you push someone its the same as beating them with a baseball bat... expulsion, if you eat skittles its the same as having weed. (not legally, but according to school policy) its a joke. What do you think? Do you think kids could handle school better, if it was actually a reasonable place for a human to be?

Writing a letter of apology ?

Ok so I'm not the type of person to really ever talk smack. But not all people are like this so in some cases I get to a breaking point and snap on somebody. However it's not as if this in one word and I'm off. So recently I slammed a kid to the ground on my snowboard team because he was claiming he was going to mess with my board. This snowboard was the last thing my father bought me before he died last month. The thought of somebody touching that board makes me extremely mad. I do know the way I reacted was not the best but I still did it. Now my coach wants me to write a letter of apology to him. I already apologized to this kid and I ment it. But he turned around and threw it right back in my face. I really don't think he deserves any more of a apology but if I don't write this letter it can hurt any chances of riding with this team next season. I'm not a mean person in fact I got a big heart. So I just don't know if I should man up and write this letter. Because I really don't think it's going to fix any thing. The kid never touch the board but still that's low to even claim that. On top of this he's nothing but a spoiled rich brat. Doesn't have respect for me and alot of people. And I even waxed this kids board for him and didn't even get a thank you. More or less got a whatever screw you. Plus my coaches hold me to a higher standard than the other kids being I'm 18 and everyone else is 16 and younger. So does he really derserve any more of my time.

Is the MAC Studio Finish Concealer Good For Under-Eye Circles?

I have horrible under eye circles, not due to lack of sleep, but because when I was born, I was born with smaller nostrils than normal, which makes me very congested all the time and nasal congestion is the most common factor of under eye circles. I have horrible ones, they are purple-ish tones and very puffy. I would like to know if the MAC Studio Finish Concealer is good for my purpose? I've heard that it creases and that it is dry, but I've also heard that it works wonders, so I'm really not sure which is really true. I have normal to oily skin and I am looking for something that will last me all day and not look cakey or anything. Answer?

Chances of getting into Columbia? AP course troubles.?

I'm a sopre wanting to go Columbia. Right now I take all honors courses. I didn't take the one AP course offered, which was World History because I don't feel like I need an AP experience for history. I want to be a dentist and want to major in creative writing. My weighted gpa is a 3.9. My first try at the psat gave me a 176 and that's with no practice. Next year I applied to take honors us history, regular algebra 2/trig, ap chem, ap lit. There was an ap us history and algebra 2/pre calc honors available. I made all the courses but i had to drop ap chem because it conflicted with my italian cl! Now i have to take physics honors. I'm going to take 2 more ap's senior year and introduction to calculus. I'm also going to volunteer at an animal shelter and be in one or two extracurriculars. Since I'm only taking 1 ap course junior year out of the 3 offered are my chances of getting in nearly impossible or not likely? This includes making the waiting list. I would've applied to the honors math if i had known i wouldn't have made the ap chem but I can't change that now. I plan to take a few sat subject tests and am positive I will get past 2000 on the sat's eventually since I'll take it every time it is offered and my english skills are very good. Is there anything I can do? Please, I'm desperate!

How long does a UK settlement visa take to process?

I am currently in the U.S. I just sent out my application on Monday of last week. I received an email from the British consulate saying to allow them 3 working day to process it if it's deemed straightforward. They will email me with my tracking number for my pport and visa. It's been a week since and i'm worried they didn't think it was enough. I went thoroughly through my checklist they sent me. I know i sent everything they asked for. Anyone have any ideas? Is it possible to get my visa before the 50 working days they've mentioned in the email? I need some advice from anyone whose been through the process or knows someone whose had a UK visa. If you're going to tell me the same thing the email says it's not necessary. I'm only looking for answers from people who have experienced this. Thank you I do appreciate it.

What is wrong with OJ Mayo!? People said he woud be the next Kobe Bryant. Is he even the best SG on his team?

Its all hype some people play for the money and some people play for the love of the game, and to me hes playing for the money

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Which do you prefer, ke$ha or lady gaga?

for me it has to be ke$ha. my favorite song by her is "the harold song". whats your favorite song by ke$ha or lady gaga?

Arsenal fans in which month do u think one of our players will get SHAWCROSS`D?

i really hope and pray that something like that never happens to any of our players ever again....but i just cant help it i mean something like that is bound to happen untill stoke,birmingham & co are banned from the league

Girl olny why is my ex gf wants a baby from me?

see i am 15 and she is 17 , and its hard on me bec i have cancer my so called ex wants a baby from me bec am dieing i have 2 years left of my life we are so are really close. u prop. thinking why are we not togetter bec she brake up with me jsut bec of my cancer she said it was so hard for her now she telling me she wants a baby i would give it to her but i am olny 15 and i dont want to make a baby but i will hurt her if i dont give her want she wants what do i do

Should i buy a ps2 i tried to fix my two old ones but they are both completely broken?

i had the fat since it came out and i had a slim for 3-4 years i have a xbox 360 but iwant to play my old ps2 games

What can i do my husband is arrested for ault (bodily injury)?

I pressed this charges on him we had gotten into an argument and i hit him first and then he pushed me away but when i called the cops i told them that he hit me first and slap and punch me what can i do to help him out am really confuse i don't want him to go to jail for a long time we both did a mistake but the probation officer arrested him what can i do

How long until one shot of Depo wears off?

I've been to many doctors who find it hard to believe I am still suffering from extreme side effects from Depo Provera, the birth control injection. I got the shot mid December, and since then my life has been reduced to the confines of my own home. I used to exercise 6-7 days a week and lived on my own. I had a personal trainer and a strict diet. My symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, tight, knotted and stiff muscles, constipation, etc. have taken away my freedom, independence, and will to live. I have been on the brink of suicide from the hopelessness. No doctor can help me in alleviating symptoms or determining when I will feel normal again.

12 yr old, 8 ibs overwieght, deperate for answers?

can someone plz give some easy dietary tips. I cant exersice too great, and im desperate for any diet tips. Can someone please give me ideas. I'm 8 pounds overweight. my ideal weight is 101 ibs, and right now im averaging 109. Please give me some tips. PLEASE

Where Do you think These Free Agents Will End Up?

Wow! This is the best free agent cl in like forever. FOOORRRREEEEEVVVVVVVEEERRR. smore of what? i havnt had anything yet

Plymouth acclaim broken wire?

It sound as if you have a broken parking brake cable have someone work the parking brake lever and watch the cable. If there is no Resistance then that is likely the problem. If you don't know anything about cars you will have to take it to a shop.

I so like all the Jewish people I've met. Where does the likeability factor comes from?

I mean it. here may be unpleasant unfriendly people Jewish or from Israel, but I hve never met any. I am not Jewish myself, I'm half Catholic and half Orthodox Lebanese ... weird?

How do i go about telling her?

i am enlisted in the Marines DEP and i leave June of next year. i have a very close fren who i know alot about and we have been frens for about 3-4 years. We are very close to eachother. that fren is a girl and i really like her more than a fren and she knows that, but she currently has a bf. i wanna express how much i will miss her and feel about her but i don't know how to go about it. It will have to be in person i know that.. but how could i bring true feelings out when i tell her? what should i tell her?

David Lynch or Sci Fi channeI version of DUNE?

Sci-Fi's version of Dune. That version was more accurate & most correct from Frank Herbert's novel of the same name. It was far more better than David Lynch's version from 1984. That was so godawful even to this day.

My HP Mini Is Being An . D: . LOL HELP ME?

Have you turned wireless off by mistake? Are you using a pword? Try going to 'network connections' deleting the wireless connection and make a new one. And check that the wireless adaptor is working OK.

What are really good clical songs?

i started getting into clical, and so far i love Beethoven, and Mozart, but i want to find some other really good artists, any suggestions?

Hand of fate or the devil's claws?

ooh that was intense (dude). Dont freak out it'll be an hallucination. I've never taken drugs, but my prescription beta blockers occasionally cause me to have hallucinations, some of which are recurring. I've seen creatues all over my bedroom, flower garlands around my door (internal door before you ask), the strongest scariest one was another doorway i my room (where there is not ordinarily a door) with a figure standing in it. While these are going on, i feel i am awake, but realise they only happen when i am more relaxed or about to drop off to sleep. Maybe you were starting to relax a little? The brain is an amazing thing, it can create all sorts of scenarios and we completely fall for it! I'm glad it gave you a little nudge about taking drugs though. Maybe your body was trying to send you a warning. Don't knacker your brain with mind bending drugs everyone has a cracking imagination and capacity for invention without having to rely on chemicals.

15 minute IB oral presentation - help?

i havent read those books, but for my IOP i did a Doll's house, and i started off with a mini activity that took about 5 minutes it helps take up some time.

What is the breed of my dog?

My dog is black and have small gray hairs. He has hair that stick out above his eyes. He has a small goatee. He is small in size. His hair tends to grow messy and has big eyes. He look just like the black dog from lady and the tramp that didnt like tramp

*MiLey & MaNdY OR THE SeLeNa & DeMi SHoW?*

Well, I don't like Demi and her show with Selena isn't even funny(even tho I like Selena), so I'm going with Miley Mandy!

How to kick flip? and a little help with ollie pls...?

haha i just takes practice dude keep ollie-ing and try to go higher and moving faster then eventually u'll get the hang of it. now for the kickflip, that is weird because usually every1 has trouble because when they land a kickflip the land upside-down. try different positions of your front foot your right if your goofy or left if reg..

How much weight could I realistically lose in 6 weeks?

You shouldnt focus on your weight you need to get the tape measure out! If you go by weight it will be deceiving becasue as you are exercising you will gain muscle (which weighs more than fat) so by weighing yourself you will not get accurate reselts. Its good that you have set yourself a realistic target of 6 weeks rather than thinking you will get results in a week. Measure around your waist, hips, thighs, and arms and record this on a weekly basis. Once you start to lose the inches then you will know all your efforts are paying off! Im not a fan of diets myself as all your body truely needs is a balanced lifestyle. Eat little and often and at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day -make sure you're getting your protien (white meat and fish) things like nuts seeds and whole grain serials you need too. Its all common sense at the end of the day. Sugar alwasy turns into fat if you dont burn it off so even though a packet of marshmellows for example with prob read "no fat content" the sugar contant will be v harmfull! Expect to drop between 1-2 dress sizes in 6 weeks depending on how many calories you burn. Its all about keeping active!!!! Good luck!!!

Help =( ...new school frienship problems?

my daughter had the same problem, she was the most popular girl in her previos school,then we moved and no one woud accept her, she was very lonely and sad and spent many days in the library at breaks.Time will make all the difference as it has turned out.You need to perservere and be positive,albeit 6 months later she has returned to popular status and that was gradually.Stick to it ,giving up wont help and my best wishes to you.

Through clothes and blanket?

My boyfriend was wearing basketball shorts, he d under the covers, I noticed a stain afterwards. I happened to be on top of the blanket wearing cotton PJ's. I am on birth control. I just want to know if there is a chance that the sperm could of gotten into me.

Sharp pains in chest and stomach.?

Ok, im 19, fit, go to the gym every other day and eat fairly healthy foods...no soda but i love candy and eat a lot of it. Last night i ate a chicken sandwich with fries from jack in the box and didnt eat another meal till about 10 hours later which was a very large breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, and toast. during that period all i ate was a skittles packet and a small bag of cheetos. I work graveyards btw so im awake all night. The thing is i eat like this all the time(not regularly) and it never seems to affect me but after i had that 2nd meal i began experiencing sharp pains in my upper stomach/lower chest and middle back area. its like a radiating pain that doesnt leave and im worried because ive never had a single stomach ache since i was a child and ive never been to a doctor in my life. it almost feels like i ate rocks. can anyone help me out?

How much does a good processer matter?

Get one with larger cache; the difference with the T9600 and T9800 are small and probably not worth the price difference.

Why doesn't Affirmative Action apply to Hollywood?

Affirmative action has been applied to Hollywood. Compare the number of African Americans in starring movie roles today with 50 years ago. You obviously don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.

How can I get my cat to stop doing this...?

She is a cat and by the sounds she is still in the kitten stage. Different breeds of cats grow up at different ages. You wouldn't want to have a Chausie that is for sure. They don't just tip things over they throw them and toss them. They do not become adults until they are between 2 and 3 in human years. The Savannah is at least 3 before it is an adult. If she likes to push things over its just a part of her character and play mode. I suggest you give her 2 to 3 play periods with you daily where you have a lot of poles that have toys on the end for her to chase. You do not decide when she quits the play. Let her decide when she is pooped out too much to play anymore. She has bottled up energy and needs an avenue to express it and most likely is still a kitten or teenager and not fully grown up. Also each breed has their own sleeping modes. Some breeds sleep all day like the Snowshoe Cat which I also have one of. And others like the Savannah and Chausie I have race and tear around the house most of the daylight hours but sleep at night. All cats are different and unique. Go with her flow and work with her. Baby proof your home if you don't want her in things or restrict her from that room. My cats are not allowed in my kitchen when I am cooking and they are not allowed in any bedrooms. Actually they have their own bedroom.... a 9 x 12 room with everything a cat could desire or need... but they still like my stuff. So the valuables are in places that they can't get to... china cabinets, etc. Let them be themselves and you will have a happier cat and home. Just treat them like you would a toddler and keep things that they can get to in a safer place.

MY GF had after i broke up with her?

So me and my gf grew apart somewhat and we got in a fight and i said some really mean things and she had with another guy about a week later she says she was confused and mad at me and she says she regrets we are happy now but sometimes i think abut it should i be really upset since i was the one who broke up with her and really hurt her?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Could Matthew 23:15's "more the child of hell" be allegory for more the child of law (sin and death)?

Allegories are rather outdated literary entertainment, not biblical scholarship or biblical teaching

Question? Rush Limbaugh's, Rev. Steven Anderson and FOX News?

Would you be a bit weary about someone who was a big supporter of the Rush Limbaugh's, Rev. Steven Anderson and FOX news?? Do you believe someone can support these people and not be racist?

How does yeast metabolize glucose at different temperatures?

You place 10g of glucose, 3 grams of yeast, and 200 mL of water into a flask and cover the top with an airlock attached to a rubber stopper. Yeast is capable of metabolizing glucose. You produce three such steps and incubate them at three different temperatures: 4degrees C (the temperature of a refrigerator), 22 degrees C (room temperature), and 37 degrees C (body temperature). You count the number of bubbles being generated per minute after an initial 10 minute incubation which was repeated two more times at 20 and 30 minutes. Describe what you expect to see under these conditions. Explain your reasoning for your description.

What is the best orange juice (for Vitamin C) that taste like Sunny D?

I've always had Sunny D but I know it's not the best OJ for Vitamin C but I love the taste and hate the tastes of the OJ's like at McDonald's.

Jealousy is consuming me. I want out..!?

My boyfriend and i have been together for a year now. it hasnt been easy. I am feeling now that the relationship is hitting a dead end. we fight all the time, he has little respect for how I feel, he leaves the house at wee hours of the night and comes back the next day, no reason given. Anyway here is my problem i like the guy but i know i must save myself the heartache. Problem now is, I cannot reconsile with the tought of having someone else make love to him other than me. That paralizes me. I am having trouble living with the thought that someone will give him more than i have. he is an adorable guy save for when he is drunk, he is the jealous kind. he is 6 years younger than me. We r in our 20s. Please provide some profound advise on how i can claim my life back. It is my problem not his. He is having a good time, i am drowning in pain. What should i do?

Is this dialogue okay for a book?

It's not bad. I like that you are descriptive after the dialogue, but you should try mixing it up a bit. Have some dialogue thats broken up by a thought Like "Really?' Max replied, unable to form a clever response ",....." Or unspoken language, like a nod of approval or something similar. Dialogue is good but I tend to like things that keep the story going rather than pure back and forth banter. Great start though! (:

What is the difference between distilled water and spring water?

Spring supposedly comes from a spring. Distilled water is water that (in layman's terms) is boiled & the steam from it is collected & that is your distilled water. no minerals, no impurities.

Will you vote for me....?

hello,im john mccain,i had an ugly wife who i traded in for one thats 20 years younger than me,i have been in senate for 26 years and was a Member of the Keating 5,i vote with bush 90% of the time. i have a pastor who believes one of the reasons america was founded was to destroy islam. i was given the nickname "songbird" by all my fellow pows because of my willingness to tell my captors everything they wanted to know. i am a maverick,so will you vote for me?

Is gayness hereditary or is it learned?

Why don't you ask a gay person. I suggest going to a gay bar or next year's Gay Pride Parade. I'm sure you'll find plenty of answers... at at the source.

Shaub or Helbeck this week at QB?

Who should I start at QB this week? Shaub vs. Indy or Helbeck vs. Detriot. Normally I'd start Shaub, but Detroit is horrible and Helbeck should pick them apart...what to do???

Jetting setttings on my yz250f?

i have a yz250f 2002 that wont stop back fireing. the engine is completly standard. i think the jetting is a little lean. i dont have a clue a bout the new 4 strokes. i mean i know every thing there is to know about two strokes but 4 stokes. could you please tell me how to change the jetting, what to change it to and how long it will take. thanks

I have gk quiz 2morrow. cud anybody provide me few ques. dt i cn test my iq level?

Quiz on what ? Current affairs, world history ??? Search google. And next time, prepare well in advance. IQ has nothing to do with the ability to memorize GK facts. If you are looking for IQ tests, there are plenty available online - again, search in google.

Prom dress help please!!!!! and fast too!!?

if you have brown shoes he should get the things hes getting in scarlert red.. in a deep chocolate brown .. or you can change your shoes.. hope this helped .

What is one reason why the main character in Tell Tale Hearts is NOT insane?

Here's my opinion. He took the time to conceal his crime. Therefore, he knew that it was wrong to kill the man. Since he knew that his act was wrong,he knew the difference between right and wrong and therefore must have been sane. It would be 1st degree murder because it was premeditated. He spent seven nights creeping onto the room before he actually committed the murder, so it was not done on the spur of the moment. This is just my opinion, but I think it's worth considering.

Im not my best friend's best friend?

im 14 and in 8th grade. my best friend Veronica has been my bff since 4th grade. shes hilarious, fun, and really pretty. ever since last year, shes kind of been drifting off. shes probably the most popular girl in the school and i used to be second. then third. then fourth. now fifth. i dont mind being fifth at all. the only problem is that hes been hanging out with two and four a whole lot recently and they are really mean people. she actualy hates one of them and used to hate the other but suddenly, four is her bff. veronica is my best friend but on facebook she answered on of those questioning things and she said i was not her best friend. i know im not too. recently shes been putting me down a little but shes just joking. ive been friends with her long enough to know that shes hardest on her best of friends but recently its gotten kinda hard on me. shes been saying im boring. i use to be her bff but now ive been replaced. shes still my best friend but i am no ones best friend. thats the problem, im no ones best friend. i feel left out all the time now. how can i get Veronica back? how can i be a more exciting friend?

Hindu Goddess Pics for my mom's n sister's names. Where can i find those pics?

I want the God's pictures corresponding to the Sanskrit names .. Eg. We can find Lord Tirupathi pics for the name "Balaji"..Likewise i need pics for names of my great mom "Pramila" and great sister "Priyanga" to keep them in my purse.. Anyone help me please..

What do I mark as 'race' for my child?

We are registering our 5yo for kindergarden. I am Caucasian (mixed heritage) and my wife is Mexican. We are asked to identify his race. Is there any advantage or disadvantage to labeling him "Mexican"? (i.e. any affirmative action benefits when it comes to college 12 years from now?) Thanks!

What can i do?

ok so i didn't wake up that early this morning and i just feel really tired like i dont have any energy at all! like i went to go play tennis just a second ago and i was sucking really bad bec i was too tired to play!?!?!? what can i do to make me feel more awake and more energized?!?!?! and no energy drinks!

What criteria would make a machine intelligent?

No, all its doing is detecting and cataloging data as its programed to. A truly intelligent machine would probably have some sort of an imagination, be able to take in data and reinterpret like a human.

Does anyone know the song??

It is a rock song that starts and ends like a nursery rhyme like a lullaby. starts like that, then plays rock. then ends with like a lullaby.

Ken Silver Lotto Systems?

On the 30/01/08 i bought kens silver lotto pro system, lotto 80,custom profiles. it cost me around $98 US now it is the 09/02/08 but i have not got it as yet. after buying it says on the reply thanks for buying the silver lotto system, your card infor will take up to 48 hours. well that happend on the 01/02/08. and it said i will email the infor to you. when i payed it did not go through clickabank, it went through manually. ive emailed his support site, all it say i will get back to you a.s.a.p. What do i do? will he deliver? should i phone my card company to cancell the order be for my statement comes through? Have Your Say question and awnsers would be really helpful THANKS AGAIN.

Pregnancy test lines?

congratulations ur pregnant! there is no way that u will know whether it will result in a miscarriage or not, but that is definitely a positive

Manny Ramirez's suspension. Ultimately beneficial?

Has anyone else come to the conclusion that Manny Ramirez's 50-game suspension will ultimately benefit himself and the Dodgers? They obviously don't need him on the field to win their division, and he'll be well-rested for late season and postseason play.

Who else thought that we would finally get a break from Cheney's fear-mongering?

he will not rest until someone puts him to jail.. he is full of it .. and he thinks he and his daughter will convince us to get away with 8 years of F.. up..!!

Male burmese python sand-like poo?

I've got a male Burmese Python and his poo had a sand-like substance in it. His cage's substrate is newspaper so i know it wasn't accidentally ingested. He eats rats mostly, but his last meal was his first quail. Is he ok? I took him to the vet a while ago and they said he seems to be fine. I might do a fecal float and smear but i thought i'd ask on here first.

Could I make the prediction that there WILL be widespread violence from liberals and illegals on May-day?

would it be an accurate prediction,and how will the media cover actual violence,when all they have been doing is saying there is violence in the tea party,with no proof...

Isn't scrabble tile jewelry illegal?

Doesn't it count as taking something that is trademarked and then reselling it for your own profit? Isn't that illegal? O o Or is there some sort of special allowance for scrabble tile jewelry?

Where can I download the new Forum snowboard movie F' It?

I really really want to watch it. I've been searching for torrents but can't find any. Where can I get this sick looking flick?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Just curious- does anyone else think that this song was totally made for Twilight?

ya, it does suit them perfectly right..well, about the reasons, u've yourself already answered that lol

Is it all a big conspiracy to get money?

No your not being cynical I would say you were spot on! Add to that the breakdown in law and order due to the collapse of the family unit. This gives a perfect excuse for the raft of laws curbing personal liberty, more Civil Servants - more tax. You now are going to be taxed on your view, your neighbourhood and your rubbish. However there is just so much juice you can squeeze from an orange and the ordinary hard working people of this country have reached their limit!

Which is not a simile?

"A" is not a simile. A simile compares 2 things. "A" would be a simile if it were written as "Her cheeks are as red as a rose."

I posted this ? earlier but the system keeps messing up please HELP! ?

I have been going to this doctor for a year now for pain in by back and in my chest only on the right side they have put me on muscle relaxers and for some reason they dont touch the pain so i keep going back explaining the pain and all she wants to do is have a couple x rays done and the only thing that comes up is chronic brochitis and thats it she goes on her merry way and the next time i go in it's the same thing over and over. but this last week i was giving my daughters a bath i leaned over the tub and my ear started killing me so ya simple i thought i had an ear infection and my side and the right side of my started really really hurting so i went to ER on sunday yesterday and they did a full exam and nothing they checked my ear and said hmmmm thats weird no infection i was so upset i keep being told that there isn't anything wrong!!!!!! he said that it was probably nerve related then i told him that i have had a lot of tingling and numbness in my face and chest and now my lips so go in see the doctor and tell them you want to see a specialist but i just dont get it how your well my nerves could be messed up only on that side i dont play sports or anything i havent fallen or nothing like that i had surgery 2 years ago on my wrist they put the disolving stitches in they said! but the stitches started coming out of my skin ya sounds gross and painful and YES it was. i had a c-section in 05 but other than that well...... thats it so if you know of or heard of something like this please help im scared and irratated any help would be nice

Why Cant I Erase in ARES ??

there are a few stuffs there I had been trying to cancel in my ARES. how come it is not responding. the stuffs i am downloading just says Connecting, and does not change status, as if it is not responding. i tried to uninstall it and install back several time just to attempt to erase my unwanted downloads, but whenever i install it again, the unerased downloads are there. it was working fine the other day .... please help.

WWE-TNA Monday Night Wars....WWE RAW Week 1 Guest Host:Steve Austin?

You asked this question yesterday and I voted, why didn't you do the results today, reply to me in the additional details

I got smackdown vs raw 2008. I can't seem to ever succeed in the gm mode,any advise,no cheat just hlp please

My people get hurt because I dont have enough talent to make a good full show without using everyone always then they get fatiged and hurt,there are no extra guys everyones accounted for, I keep lossing fans,it's just a **** mess any advise.

Ideas to surpise 12 year old with jonas brothers tickets?

my step sister is a hugh fan and i have tickets to a show on her birthday, please give fun ideas that are priceless, thanks please not hating

My skin is burning bad and I have rashes under my arms!?

IDK rather or not I have eczema but I've been breaking out a lot this winter. It seems to have started at the end of November maybe early december. I seem to be allergic to everything. it feels as though something is crawling in my skin. I broke out all along my bra line,on the side of my . under my ,sometimes my forearm. I have really sensitive skin and 2 of my aunts have eczema and my grandma. What could this be?I've gone through 6 different deodorant brands all of them burn me or give me a rash. There's also a boiler bump on my , it's gone now but it came twice,the rash and my skin gets worst at night time, and it's not bugs, and I have no medical insurance!...Thanks

Have you ever had to.....?

have you ever had to tell someone something which you know will REALLY hurt them, something that hurts you just thinking about it? i had to tell someone something today which someone told me, i didnt want to know and spend 3 horrible sleepless nights stewing on whether or not to tell her and i did.... i know i did the right thing but seeing the shock and hurt in her eyes... i cant get over it, now because i have told her its very awkward for me, not with her with others, which i dont care about because i KNOW i did the right thing, but i just cant stop thinking about it and seeing her face, i dont know what to do, i keep crying and know i shouldnt, she cried and now is angry, i just want to move on from the hurt, how do i do this?

Guys: Are you turned off by bodily functions?

My boyfriend always wants to spend the night but I don't want him to because m scared I might toot in my sleep or something. If this happened, would you be grossed out?

Can anyone help re.electoral role?

is there a website or phone number that will tell were ive been living for past 20+ year, ive lived at 6 different house, just cant remember were i paid council tax?

Burning pain in upper stomach?

For the last 3 years about once a year I've had this somewhat intense burning pain in my upper stomach that seems to last 24 hours. The second time it happened I was hospitalized and given morphine because the pain was so intense...after a day or so all the pain slowly went away and didn't come back. A year later now it is happening again (although not quite as intense as last time i still cannot sleep).....Originally I thought maybe it was acid reflux but I took Tums, Gravol and Pepto Bismal (not all at once) and it didn't so much as help a bit. No matter what I eat or drink the pain does not subside until about 24 hours or so has ped. Is it still possible that it is acid reflux or an ulcer or something? I just find it so strange that it only happens once a year...I ate 2 peanut er and Jam sandwiches with milk 3 hours before the pain started this time...the previous time I had a bowl of Bran Flakes....

My great-great granddaughter wants to her child a stupid name?

My great-great granddaughter is pregnant and she wants to give the child an "African-American" name (even though there is no such thing) because the father is black. The father's name is DeShawn and she wants to name is LiShawn if it's a boy and DeShawna if it's a girl so it can have a "heritage." Her G-G-Grandfather (my husband) was Maasai and I offered some of those names but she doesn't want those because those are "boring." She's very young (15) so she doesn't know that you can literally ruin a child's life by giving them a name like that (who was the last DeShawna to graduate from Harvard?). I'm the one who is going to be raising her her and her child for the next decade while she finishes school and college. I think the least she can do for me is honor this one wish to give the child a good name. How can I convince her? Can I legally go over her head or something? I'm sorry but I'm not having a DeShawna/LiShawn in my family. She won't even settle for just naming them Shawn/Shawna. Even worse are the middle names (Candy, Rock, Sweet, Blue are some examples).

Is there Rome hit the turning point of this series?

Game one was tough on them losing it with only a few seconds left in the game, then they lost heart in game 2. The Rome hit woke up the team and changed the course of the series. If the Bruins can keep the intensity on Fri in Vancouver, they will take the Cup.

What is your personality?

Type B:Artistic type-you got me baby.wao,that was cool,well searched and oh my goodness,from a psychology wizard.Where did you smoked this one from baby?You are so right that i can't help wondering whether you don't know what is in my mind as i type this answer.Give yourself one great hug for me.cheers....

Every time I sharpen a pencil, some of my finger gets scratched off?

Unless it is happening to everyone else besides yourself I would think you are doing something wrong when you sharpen your pencil They are not made to make peoples fingers bleed.Get a friend to sharpen your pencil and that would solve your problem.

What should i do with my Hair and this hat?

ok i have these really cute hats im gonna where tomorrow my hair is like naturally curly but i have a really good flat iron.I'm wearing what of my hats tomorrow and i dunno which one or if i should just my brush my hair with ir or flat iron it with my hat. One of them is navy blue and one is a very light variegated blue. So which color? and should i straighten my hair or just leave it curly? help plz?? and what make up too? black mascara with what eye shadows/eyeliners? plz and thank you!!! oh there really pretty crocheted too. there not those ugly ones there the prettyy ones!

Is it a good time to work for a Hedge Fund/Investment Bank?

I have 2 degrees in International Finance and Accounting from a Top school in the West. I am 28 years old and I have 3 years of work experience as an Accountant, I have taken the CPA exam but I am not licensed because i need a Masters degree in my State of residence. I am thinking of going to school to get my MBA in 2 years and I want to venture into working for a Hedge Fund or an Investment Bank as an yst. Can anyone tell me if this is going to be a good career change? Is there a future in working for a Hedge Fund or even an Investment Bank with all our current economic woes?

Speedometer and odometer quit after changing the clutch in a 1993 ford probe?

The speed sensor should be located towards the end of the transmission, where one of the axles are. It should come in from the top

Does hypnotizing work for quitting smoking?

I am seriously thinking about trying it. I have tried to quit before with no luck. For me the other stop - smoking aids will not work because it is more about my mental addiction than physical. Just wondering if anyone else has ever tried this?

So who is the face and who is the heel?

There is no face and heel. This is just more of a friendly rivalry to see who is the best out of those two. No real storyline here. But if I were to pick one, Batista is the heel, since Cena is the babyface and all that. You can ask any 3rd grade boy and they will all say Cena is better.

Mitosis in IVF? please help!?

what meg said except the 3rd mitosis will have 4 cells going to 8 and a forth will have 8 going to 16. So 4 rounds of mitosis.

Criminal Background Check Woes!?

I am trying to get a new/better job and was told by a prospective new employer that I had a active warrant come back on my Criminal Back Ground Check. I know the incedent that it is involving but was not aware of any charges or police action. I have to get this taken care of before I can proceed with my new employer but fear going to the local police or courthouse for fear of being arrested. What is a way I can resolve this?

D; My ?

Okay so my smells like fish and has cottage cheese discharge. It's fkn disgusting, so I went to the doctor and got it checked out. She took a sample and looked under a microscope and diagnosed me with no infections. And Idk it's really bugging me, cause I don't think thats normal for my to be smelling really bad and to have cottage cheese discharge. So what should I do? D; I care about my health. Btw, I do take showers rofl.

Is Obama REALLY bringing change?

He is advocating the bail-outs, keeping the Bush tax-cuts, and hiring a majority of the former Clinton staff (as well as Hilary herself apparently) to be in his cabinet. I have often said he was just a well spoken politician but have been spoken down to as if he were the real deal. Yeah, the real deal when it comes to being a politician with a lot of flair.

Why didnt he touchdown?? Why knock it back?? NFL?

Was it during a kick or punt. If the ball is going into the end zone on a kick or punt players will often knock it away because if it goes into the end zone then the other team automatically gets to start at the 20 yard line.

Is there anyone who can look at pics of my dog as well as his pedigree and give me an idea of his breedability?

the american ones way overbred.any healthy dogs worth breeding if you want to breed it.just make sure it's healthy.

Old Mine Diamond E.G.L Certified, Looking for a buyer ASAP?

There isn't a jeweler that will spend $5,000 on a diamond without first seeing it or having the ability to get their money back from escrow if they didn't buy it. So what you should try doing is contacting the non-corporate jewelry stores and ask them if they buy certified old mine cut diamonds. It will save you a ton of gas and money this way. On the off chance you can't find a jeweler who will buy it, I would try using the local Craig's List. Or you can spend a little money and post it in the local paper from Fri-Sun for a couple of weekends in a row. Most people will not buy a high priced item without some research or time to think about it. Others may see your desperation and decide that they can wait out until you drop your price more. Not to mention, that considering the size and clarity shown, the cut must be very poor to only be at an appraised value of $12,000. That's just something else to consider. Good luck.

I'm a new convert from catholicism to the One Truth, Jediism and..?

NO one will take me on as a padawan! Is it because I was raised catholic and still have guilt issues, and guilt is of the Dark Side?

If you win the lotto?

buy my former company I worked for and fire all the management. Give to charity and travel, and party on.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

WWE Fans what about this card?

Really your cross brand show sounds like a nice idea, where the titles can go anywhere, and then by looking at your makes, it looks great. i would love to see that 6 man Hell in the Cell match with those main eventers, and the winner would be Randy Orton

I'm a BSN RN and I've been interested in joining the army for quite some time.?

Hello. I'm a BSN RN and I've been interested in joining the army for quite some time. But I have an issue with vaccinations and immunizations. I was curious if nurses are allowed to opt out of vaccinations, immunizations, flu shots, etc...? Part of the reasons is religious due to some vaccinations are developed using aborted fetal tissue. I also don't believe in willingly putting toxins into my body and mixing animal RNA/DNA with my own DNA. These religious views are not from a church. They are my own individual religious beliefs. I really have an interest in serving my country as a RN. But because of my beliefs I've always thought it was highly improbable. Could you give me some insight concerning this?

Does this girl like me?

She sits in front of me in english and has a locker near me and sometimes well talk but not alot i have a crush on her and today she told me to wait for her to walk to homeroom and also any tips on how to start a conversation with her?


I have my own website at ProBoards. But how do we let a member become a moderator? There is a group called Moderator there, but how do we let one member of our site become a moderator?

The irony of global warming?

is that we were so hell bent on killing each other, that we might possibly have killed the whole planet. The ultimate paradox. :)

Does anyone remember...?

Does anyone remember the show where a tranual was turned into the modern day martha stewert? it was a cooking show...

Anyone else "addicted" to Ultram?

A few yrs ago I was prescribed Ultram for severe frequent headaches. Later on I found out by accident that if I took enough of it it really helped my fatigue (and now depression that has been caused by the constant overwhelming fatigue). I have been treated for severe depression, seen counselors, taken lots of anti-depressant meds and so far nothing has really helped. The only thing that came close was Provigil for energy and fatigue but it stopped working after about 6 mnths. I fit the clic profile for ADD (not ADHD) and have since childhood but all the docs I have talked to don't seem to believe me - they all want to just load me up with anti-dep. meds not treat the CAUSE of the fatigue b/c that might involve actual work on their part. I am SO sick of Ultram being the center of my life - I cannot keep living like this! Always worrying whether or not I have enough to get through the next day, work, cooking, cleaning, etc. Anyone who can help pls answer this question. Thank You!!

Why is McCain running away with the electoral vote projections?

I am so glad to see that people seem to be seeing the truth finally.Obama is too much of a risk for our country.

Why does this statistic seem so incorrect?

You know the statistic that says that 10% of people are ? Well, why does it not seem to be that high? In my grade at my school, there are maybe 5 openly gay people, and that is out of a cl of 600 (about). The percentage works out to be 0.833% or about 1%. Where are the other 9%? Are they there, but just not out of the closet, or is it just an erroneous (incorrect) percentage?

If you open a scottrade account, are you able to include a payable upon designation if you die?

This depends on the state where you live. Not all states recognize TOD - Transfer on Death accounts for brokerage accounts which are similar to POD - Payable on Death for bank accounts. These are both forms of Totten Trusts. There is not a charge for this. It is a type of account registration.

How to write racism in a story without coming across as a racist author?

I'm trying to create a character, or group of characters that are racists, I'm portraying them for the evil bigots they are, but I'm uncomfortable and unsure of how to go about it. Any ideas?

Columbian Free Trade Agreement . . .?

Has this been tabled post election . . . Chavez is threatening to reclaim part of Columbia under an ancient territorial dispute should Columbia allow the U.S. to build a military base near the Venezuelan border . . . Equador (sp?) has refused to extend the current U.S. lease which expires next year . . . It is our only base in the region . . . So . . . what happened with the free trade agreement . . .?

What do you think of this law that requires a prescription for contacts?

I am so agreeing with you.. I hate that too its just for that s to earn money.. every time i go to the eye doctor.. they give me the same prescription and charge me like $80 Its stupid.. Let me know when Ur gonna be signing a petition I'll add mine signature to it..

Anyone living in Stoke Mandeville or surrounding areas???

Are you moving to work at the hospital, i used to live not far, for cheaper housing you might want to consider aylesbury or milton keynes as sm will be fairly expensive with not a lot of affordable housing. Also its very small and is largely about the hospital.

Why do people live in area's set up for natural disasters?

There are only so many good places to live, and world population has doubled in the last not-enough years. If the place is not immediately bad, people may settle in an area which has an occaisional "natural disaster". If they can have babies faster than nature kills them off, it works.


i found some random answer It said I left it said " where can I find a labratory marketing job" and I never left that!!! im not even old enough to get a job! HELP! what should i do im worried theyll hack into my emails! ??? HELP 10 Pnts o first helper!!

I need a java code for the replacement algorithm in proxy server using LRU and LFU?

I need a java code for the replacement algorithm in a proxy server using LRU (Least Recently Used) and LFU(Least Frequently Used)

Can I be hypnotized to learn how to dance?

Okay this is sort of embarring but here it goes. I can't dance but wish i could. It makes me feel left out of a lot of things. I'm just wondering if anyone knows anything about being hypnotized, and if so, can I be hypnotized and then know how to dance?? p.s. I know dance lessons are an option but I am looking for another solution

Does a different eschatoloogy make you less of a Christian?

You have take the first step towards truth. Never let anyone tell you that you as less because you have a different point of view. The problem with religion is that no one really questions they're own. Its perfectly fine to questions someone else's but your own heavens no. The seems to be this fear that envelopes the christians that if they admit they were wrong on one thing then maybe everything they believe is wrong. I say everything everyone has ever believed is right to a degree but probably wrong on at least an equal number of counts. The complexity of the universe is far beyond the grasp of human understanding at this time and we must explain it somehow, so you get religion.

How does meiosis produce genetic variation?

i need it now its for school tommorrow i dont understand it please help me i thought this would help

What do you guys think of this name?

Sounds like Fun. You really like the hebrew names, like Abraham and Mathew. We have this in common. I am having a girl, so I cant use the cute hebrew name. Shauneil. It sounds like something you just made up. lol.

Is Cardio Kickboxing a form of Strength training, cardio, or both?

This may be a dumb question but I will ask anyway. I do cardio 5 days a week and am looking for a way to spice it up (treadmill can get boring) and I also do a pretty strenuous strength training regimen at the gym with my husband who is bulking up right now. I have a cardio kickboxing DVD that I would like to use to change up my cardio routine, but I know it tones as well, so will that effect my strength training at the gym? Will that over work my muscles if I do the DVD 2 days a week to change my cardio routine? Any advice would be great.

Can an ultrasound pick up on Alcohol?

Can an ultrasound of the pelvis and of the abdominals pick up on alcohol 2 days after it was ingested?? How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?? Thanks

Losing weight?

I'm 17, 5'3, a large frame and now 153 pounds. I used to be 130, put i quit all the sports i was participating in. i did get down to 149 and haven't been eating crap at all. when i'm not at school i've been keeping active by cleaning constantly, jogging every morning, walking every evening, and i have yoga cl twice a week. i've made sure to eat a healthy breakfast every morning, i eat granola bars, yogurt, and cereal bars all filled with fiber for snacks through the day, i have fruit and a sandwich for lunch, and then whatever my mom make for dinner because i have to, but it's usually healthy anyway (she's a health freak). i cut out icecream and chips and stuff like that. the only bad thing i'll eat is some popcorn once a week on movie night, but it's one bag split between like 6 people and i ate some chocolate today, but other than that i've made sure to eat what my doctor suggested and drink at least 64oz of H20 along with all the activity, but i've gained 3 pounds.why and cont...

I'm curious... how do non black people feel about black people's natural (not relaxed) hair?

I used to go to an international school that was full of white students untill i was about 13 when i was expelled because i punched some white chic poured water on my hair to see how i would react! Never regretted it tho. I hated going tho.

Could i still get pregnant?

i did the BD last night but due to cirstances this month that will be it for around my ovulation, my ovulation day is today so is there a good chance i can still get pregnant this month????

Do you think..wq inside?

Yeah that's whats pretty much been said & they should wanna make up for it if i was Mark Henry & hayes said some crap like that to me having the strenth of Henry i would have knocked hayes out,but i guesse Henry is a better man than i am.And it's not like he doesn't deserve a push any damn way right?